Appointment of five researchers as members of saf
14 نوفمبر 2024

The Chief Scientific Officers in the Life and Physical Sciences, Dr Mohamed El Brolosy (Harvard University) and Dr Elham Fadaly (Apple), have approved the appointment of five researchers to a full membership of saf. The researchers were appointed to a saf membership for their exceptional intellectual and academic promise in their early careers. This appointment reinforces the commitment of saf to scientific excellence in the Arab World. The appointed researchers are:

Nourhan Hassan (Egypt): Postdoctoral researcher; Translational Matrix Biology Team, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany. she have Doctoral degree in Molecular Biology from University of Münster, Germany. ahe have Young Scientist Award in FEBS 2022; ‘Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling, and Molecular Targets’ Conference, Best Abstract Prize; “40 th Annual Conference of the German Society for Senology e.V. (DGS), 2021”, Certificate of awarding of the 1 st prize; “News from the Science, 2019”, German, Menopause Gesellschaft e.V, FEBS YTF Award in FEBS 2019; ‘Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling, and Molecular, Targets’ Conference. German Egyptian Long-term Scholarship (GERLS) for the academic year 2016-2017, in the framework of the co-financed programs under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the German Academic Exchange Service.

Lamis Elkheir (Sudan): Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum Research Fellow, Mycetoma Research Center (MRC), University of Khartoum Training Lead, The African Reproducibility Network (AREN). she have PhD degree from University of Tours, France. she have The University of Liverpool’s Computational Biology Facility (CBF) third International Women’s Day (IWD) Scholarship, Open Infrastructure Fund 2024 for Empowering Open Science Capacity in Arabic-Speaking Countries: The Open Innovation Platform (as part of the Open science community of Saudi Arabia (OSCSA), Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) Open Scholarship Seed Awards for the establishment of local networks across Africa ( as part of the African reproducibility network (AREN)), PHC NAPATA funding for bilateral Franco-Sudanese projects  by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Sudan and CAMPUS France.

Heba Ebeid (Egypt): phd student, Saarland University, and Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland. she have Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Scholarship for Luxembourg university Masters in Integrated Systems biology (now known as Master’s in Master in Molecular and Computational Biomedicine), and Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND-Action fund for Phd researcher in TALENTS ” Training ALliancE for Novel Microbiome-Modulating TherapieS”.

Sara Gohar (Egypt): PhD Student, CRUK Scotland Institute and University of Glasgow. she have MBiolSci Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Sheffield (2022). she have CRUK Scotland Centre PhD Studentship (2023-2027, Baily Prize 2022, University of Sheffield and International Merit Scholarship (2018-2022), University of Sheffield.

Al Hassan Soliman (Egypt): a dentist who obtained his Bachelor degree in Dentistry from Sinai University in Egypt. Soliman is interested in researching regenerative medicine, tissue therapy, and stem cell biology. He has published several review articles in scientific journals such as Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Life Sciences, IBRO Neuroscience Reports, etc.