Dr Rawan AlSubaie
Dr. Rawan AlSubaie is currently an Ibn Khuldun Fellow at the lab of Prof. Mriganka Sur at MIT where she is working on understanding social behaviour and learning. She completed her Ph.D. in Neuroscience in Dr. Andrew MacAskill's lab at University College London (UCL) where she trained as a circuit neuroscientist. Her Ph.D. work focused on understanding the hippocampus and its role in goal-directed and motivated behavior through its connectivity with the amygdala. Prior to that she trained as a molecular biologist and completed a master's from King's College London and her B.Sc. in Biomedical Science from the University of Sheffield. Rawan is especially interested in how neurons and the circuits they form are able to compute information that leads to complex behavior and how these circuits are affected during disease.
Current research
Future research vision
Key publications
Key awards